First off, don’t forget to register if you have not already,
 It’s Tecumseh season again! The Indiana Trail Running Association is pleased to co-host the Tecumseh Trail Challenge races, on October 23, 2021, with our partner Do Indiana Off-road. With this season comes exciting opportunities to participate in one of Indiana’s most popular trail races. 

Training Days! Training run #1 will be on September 18th at 9:00 am, meeting at the north boat ramp parking lot in Yellowwood State Forest.Training run #2 will be on October 9th at 9:00 am, meeting at the north boat ramp parking lot in Yellowwood State Forest. We will be running the long loop on both training events. The short loop is the lap around the lake and is marked well by the park. There will be a sign-in and sign-out sheet, so no one gets left behind. Please use it. You can find a map of the long and short loop on under courses, and ITRA will be posting additional navigation information on ITR Run Central. As always, water\Gatorade will be available along the route at drop locations. Trail Maintenance! Here is your chance to get out and help your trail running community by clearing the hiking trails for the race. The trails around the lake are well-trafficked and most likely won’t need much attention. Trail Y is expected to need more work and is where we need your help. Trail Maintenance #1 will be on September 12th meeting at 10:00 am at the Yellowwood State Forest park office parking lot. If you have a weed eater or other tool, please bring them, but your spare time as volunteers is all that is needed and is invaluable to us. We won’t be clearing the entire course and will be focusing our attention on the east side (miles 7-12). Our goal is to move through these sections quickly and have everyone home in time to see the Colts kickoff against the Seahawks. Trail Maintenance #2 will be on October 2nd, meeting at 10:00 am at the Yellowwood State Forest park office parking lot. This day will be a touch-up of the course to address any early fall plant growth. 

Race Day Volunteering!!!
             The most important of all is race day volunteers. We can not do this event without you guys and appreciate everyone who has helped make the Tecumseh Trail Challenge a success. Several spots are still available on the sign-up page, so check out the link here to sign up and help.